25 10, 2013

Local film maker: Philip Hind

By |October 25th, 2013|Categories: Biography|0 Comments

Philip is a talented filmmaker who makes good films on a shoestring. He also created the popular website www.encyclopedia-titanica.org. His castaway feature includes an interesting tale concerning a piece of coal.To read all about it click here. This film of

24 09, 2010

The Artist Observes by Sylvia Vetta – published on a hoarding @The Radcliffe Observatory Quarter for Open Doors Oxford

By |September 24th, 2010|Categories: Art|Tags: , , |0 Comments

The Radcliffe Observatory Quarter is one of the most significant development projects the University of Oxford has undertaken for more than a century. It is a 10-acre site in central Oxford, bound by the Woodstock Road, Somerville College, Walton Street, Observatory