5 06, 2017

Honesty is the best policy

By |June 5th, 2017|Categories: History|0 Comments

Theresa May is right in saying Islamist attacks have one thing in common : an evil ideology. Silence as to where that ideology came from is to continue despite the government having the facts at their fingertips. Karren Brady on

28 02, 2017

The poet GHALIB would weep

By |February 28th, 2017|Categories: History|0 Comments

http://madrascourier.com/opinion/can-india-and-pakistan-overcome-partition/ This opinion piece of mine mentions the poet Ghalib .The irony is that the sensuality of Ghalib’s poetry would not be admired by today’s radical Muslims, who champion a form of pleasure-despising Islam a million miles from the tolerant,

4 02, 2016

Exclusive Chinese New Year feature : Qu Leilei one of the founders of the Stars Art Movement which changed Chinese art forever!

By |February 4th, 2016|Categories: Art, Biography, China, Art & History, History, Oxford Castaways|0 Comments

A coup for Chinese New Year! Exclusive interview for Oxfordshire Limited Edition with one of the founders of the Stars Art movement the courageous Qu Leilei. Ai Weiwei, Ma Desheng, Wang Keping and Li Shuang are among his fellow Stars.