3 12, 2020

Mark Carney -the shark and an untold story

By |December 3rd, 2020|Categories: Oxford, Oxford Castaways, The Oxford Times|0 Comments

Did you listen and watch the first Reith lecture by Mark Carney? The topic was ‘From moral to market sentiments’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0900t1x/the-reith-lectures-2020-mark-carney-how-we-get-what-we-value-lecture-1-from-moral-to-market-sentiments? It came as a surprise when in answer to a question by Anita Anand, he said he had taken

4 07, 2020

Around the World by Land Sea and Air – and the poetry of Black Lives Matter – in our free magazine which supports small publishers.

By |July 4th, 2020|Categories: Biography, History, Novels and short stories, Oxford Castaways|0 Comments

https://www.oxfordindiebookfair.co.uk/oxford-indie-book-fair-magazine/oibf-magazine-issue-2-july-2020/ This free magazine supports small publishing companies.  We are pleased with its variety. My brother Michael Harry has just published  Around The World by Land Sea and Air. ( Oxfordfolio)   DO YOU KNOW OF ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS DONE THAT?