Travel and Travel in Time through Books
We can’t travel physically to the four corners of the earth at this time but we can in our imagination through BOOKS. One kind of travel is possible only in books (at the moment) TIME travel. If you want to
We can’t travel physically to the four corners of the earth at this time but we can in our imagination through BOOKS. One kind of travel is possible only in books (at the moment) TIME travel. If you want to
LOVE IN THE TIME OF COVID ! The main characters in ‘Sculpting the Elephant’ get separated by events out of their control. Sound familiar? Is Harry and Ramma’s story one for our time? It may only be armchair travel connecting
Given that we will be spending more time at home why not transport yourself with a GOOD READ ? Walk in Harry and Ramma’s shoes in Oxford and India without getting on a plane! You can order Sculpting the Elephant Last night Saturday Review discussed American Dirt and Cultural Appropriation. I have a personal interest in the subject . When I was writing Brushstrokes in Time at the same time, in Montreal, Madeleine Thien was writing Don’t Say We have Nothing.
Monday February 24: 7pm Minster Lovell History Society (Oxon) Village Hall Based on her experience writing the 120 life stories in the Oxford Castaway books Sylvia will talk about Life-writing and how to begin. Saturday April 4 : 10.30- 5
Why Ramma is a role model. Among the audience at McGill for my talk on mixed relationships was a distinguished Professor of Computing. For Kerelan born Prakash Panagaden 60th birthday his research community held a three-day symposium, called Prakash Fest,
Drawing on my experience – from which I created my novel Sculpting the Elephant – l’ll explore the dilemmas of identity in mixed- race relationships. Doors open at Abingdon Library at 7 pm on Thursday 21 November for Bombay Sapphire and Rebecca Haque is Professor of English Literature at Dhaka University and an inspiration to her students who want to be part of a progressive Bangladesh. I felt honoured when she offered to read Sculpting the Elephant. My
For 20 years I was proud to write features for the magazines of The Oxford Times . Newsquest who own about half of the local press in England have stopped using freelancers. I was lucky that the then editor of
Friday 30 August: the Ashmolean: I'll be guiding a tour of visiting Chinese academics. I'm calling it ' Crossing Cultures ;Crossing Time' and emphasising how ideas and inventions spread from East to West and from West to East' . I