19 04, 2024

Excellent news about the fab Proof Social but Kennington is NOT a SUBURB but is the site of a world championship

By |April 19th, 2024|Categories: Events, Kennington, Lost History, Novels and short stories, Oxford, The Oxford Times|0 Comments

https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/24256468.oxford-bakery-named-among-best-bakeries-britain/ Excellent news but I object to my village being called a SUBURB by the Oxford Mail! Oxford would love it to be but Kennington has always resisted the take over. My whodunit, Current of Death is inspired by the

27 10, 2023

The Fourth Oxford Indie Book Fair: Exciting event in a great venue – November 26

By |October 27th, 2023|Categories: Art, Biography, Events, History, Kennington, Novels and short stories, Oxford, Oxford Castaways, The Oxford Times|0 Comments

Andy Severn of Oxford eBooks organised a book fair in the village where I live. I encouraged author, architect and founder of the Isle of Wight festival, Ray Foulk and publisher James Harrison to have stands. We felt the idea

4 07, 2023

Oxib@The Oxford Festival of the Arts: See you on July 16?

By |July 4th, 2023|Categories: Art, Events, History, Novels and short stories, Oxford, Oxford Castaways, The Oxford Times|0 Comments

The way to the festival Marquee Oxib@The Oxford Festival of the Arts: See you there?   https://www.oxfordindiebookfair.co.uk/oxford-festival-of-the-arts-2023/   Full list of oxib exhibitors on this link   The Oxford Festival of the Arts is underway. https://artsfestivaloxford.org/ The murals were magnificent stupendous 

12 06, 2023

Mixed Up Love according to Claret Press & why it matters.

By |June 12th, 2023|Categories: Antiques, Art, Biography, History, India, Mixed relationships, Novels and short stories, Oxford|0 Comments

Claret Press’s blog on mixed relationships mentions some of my experiences. https://www.claretpress.com/single-post/mixed-up-love I wrote a piece on the subject for the Madras Courier. https://madrascourier.com/.../on-mixed-race-relationships/ 150,000 people, mostly of Indian ancestry, read it. (The editor seems to know how to work