2 01, 2017

Celebrating! Essential Audiobooks has recorded an audiobook version of Brushstokes in Time. Listen to a 3 minute clip from this fabulous production and read about Caroline Huang McLaughlin’s emotional response to my novel.

By |January 2nd, 2017|Categories: China, Art & History|0 Comments

For reviews, endorsements and blogs  go to my blog Reactions to Brushstrokes in Time but  Brushstrokes in Time is getting  particularly emotional reactions from young people of Chinese ancestry living in the West. Caroline Mc Laughlin who has recorded the book identifies

20 09, 2016

Some Reactions to Brushstrokes in Time

By |September 20th, 2016|Categories: China, Art & History|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

A stunning eye- opening fictional tale set in China from 1963-1993; WILD SWANS MEETS DR ZHIVAGO, In September 1979  some young Chinese artists who had abandoned socialist realism were bravely exploring self-expression. They  tried to find a venue to display