About Sylvia Vetta

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So far Sylvia Vetta has created 278 blog entries.
4 05, 2022

No to culture wars, anti -woke and cancel culture. Yes to telling  the WHOLE story. That way lies understanding and  a sense of belonging.

By |May 4th, 2022|Categories: China, Art & History, History, India, Kenya, Lost History, Mixed relationships|0 Comments

Shakespeare and Donne created thousands of words between them - its a British trait that we can be proud of. Let's find new words for our time . This government’s war on woke includes opposing the ‘decolonisation’ of museums, history

1 05, 2022

England’s greatest free asset – our footpaths . Oxfordshire Rambles was my first book and now…

By |May 1st, 2022|Categories: Kennington, Oxford|0 Comments

Today the Oxford Mail published my feature about the Ramblers. I highlight the need for a new group under the Ramblers umbrella - a walking group for families with young children. Anyone interested? https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/20125497.join-ramblers-free-walks-across-oxfordshire/ During Covid lockdowns, The Oxford Mail