About Sylvia Vetta

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So far Sylvia Vetta has created 278 blog entries.
13 08, 2023

The Banality of Evil. We need to confront it closer to home.

By |August 13th, 2023|Categories: Biography, History, Lost History|0 Comments

My book group chose to read Isabella Bird’s A Lady’s life in the Rockies. https://www.virago.co.uk/titles/isabella-l-bird/a-ladys-life-in-the-rocky-mountains/9780860682677/ Born in 1831, Isabella, daughter of an English clergyman took a solo trip from San Francisco to the Rocky Mountains. It’s likely that the producers

4 07, 2023

Oxib@The Oxford Festival of the Arts: See you on July 16?

By |July 4th, 2023|Categories: Art, Events, History, Novels and short stories, Oxford, Oxford Castaways, The Oxford Times|0 Comments

The way to the festival Marquee Oxib@The Oxford Festival of the Arts: See you there?   https://www.oxfordindiebookfair.co.uk/oxford-festival-of-the-arts-2023/   Full list of oxib exhibitors on this link   The Oxford Festival of the Arts is underway. https://artsfestivaloxford.org/ The murals were magnificent stupendous 

12 06, 2023

Mixed Up Love according to Claret Press & why it matters.

By |June 12th, 2023|Categories: Antiques, Art, Biography, History, India, Mixed relationships, Novels and short stories, Oxford|0 Comments

Claret Press’s blog on mixed relationships mentions some of my experiences. https://www.claretpress.com/single-post/mixed-up-love I wrote a piece on the subject for the Madras Courier. https://madrascourier.com/.../on-mixed-race-relationships/ 150,000 people, mostly of Indian ancestry, read it. (The editor seems to know how to work