Harry King’s shop Deco-rators is making an appearance in Antiques on High throughout May. I’m pictured with Caroline Henney putting the Sculpting the Elephant banner in the window of the Oxford centre. On Thursday 2 May, I’ll be in the shop for signings from 4 pm. At 4.30 Caroline and I will do guided tours of the centre highlighting Sculpting the Elephant related objects. Caroline and Marilyn Williams of The Fountains, Honiton inspired Harry’s business partner –the Deco lady Kathy. Caroline’s area of expertise is vintage jewellery. Deco ceramics and Indian and Asian curiosities are Marilyn’s chosen field. My Victorian maverick was a great photographer as well as owner of scientific instruments. Caroline and I will point them out before film, chat, and exiting for tea and more conversation at the Vaults café in St Mary’s . Do come if you can.