Oxford Castaways and The Big Bang Restaurant
See some familiar faces. I was honoured to get Sir Roger Bannister’s signature on his memoir ‘Twin Tracks’.There are some wonderful details in it. Before his voice broke, aged 14 , he played the role of Kate in ‘ The Taming of the Shrew’! This castaway was so energetic and hard working and he is still keen to experience new things. He is a true inspiration. The same goes for his fellow castaway Lady Moyra Bannister and their daughter Charlotte who was one of the panelists in the debate. Click on the Oxford Prospect link below.
Is Oxford Oxtopia?
My castaways are not alone of Oxtopia. All 90 will need to build a new society. As well as the 4 panelists at the Big Bang, other castaways will join the debate at other venues during 2014.
Castaways will discuss what aspects of Oxford life they would like to re- create on the island and what they want to leave behind. You can join in the debate.
Nov 15 @ Kennington 6.30 for 7pm , the event includes a generous and delicious two course meal for £14. ( Bring a bottle) Proceeds to support the community library. You can come alone and feel very welcome or book a table for a group of six or seven. You can book via this web site.
This pic is from the Tropical Gala Night at Kennington for Oxford Castaways 1. Can you recognise anyone?
What would I take to Oxtopia ?Green Oxford as visualised by Weimin He and I would want to recreate the beauty of Oxford and leave behind the A34. I would take the diversity and leave the pockets of exclusivity.